A century after Conservative Party parliamentary members replaced Lloyd George as Prime
Minister and thus established the 1922 Committee, another charismatic Prime Minister was
replaced by members of his party and once again a Welsh-speaking Welshman was at the
centre of the turmoil.
Learn more about this first hand from Guto Harri, the writer, broadcaster and
communications consultant who was Boris Johnson’s Director of Communications for the
last 8 months of his premiership and his Spokesman and Director of External Affairs when he
was Mayor of London.
The talk will be in English.
Canrif ar ôl i aelodau seneddol y Blaid Geidwadol ddisodli Lloyd George fel Prif-weinidog a
thrwy hynny sefydlu’r Pwyllgor 1922, fe welwyd Prifweinidog carismatig arall yn cael ei
ddisodli gan aelodau ei blaid ac unwaith eto mi oedd Cymro Cymraeg yng nghanol yr helbul.
Dewch i glywed rhagor am hyn o lygad y ffynnon gan Guto Harri, y darlledwr, ymgynghorydd
cyfathrebu ac ysgrifennwr fu’n Gyfarwyddwr Cyfathrebu i Boris Johnson yn ystod 8 mis olaf
ei brifweinidogaeth a’i Lefarydd a Chyfarwyddwr Materion Allanol tra’n Faer Llundain.
Bydd y sgwrs trwy gyfrwng Saesneg.