Cultural and community centre on Gray’s Inn Road

The London Welsh Centre is a cultural and community centre on Gray’s Inn Road, not far from King’s Cross, Russell Square and Chancery Lane.
We promote Welsh culture and language in London and a range of other arts organisations through hosting events and providing our spaces for cultural and community activities.

Welsh culture
We host a wide range of cultural activities with a distinctly Welsh flavour. Whether you are Welsh, have Welsh ancestry or are just interested in Wales, you have come to the right place – there is a warm Welsh welcome waiting for you at the London Welsh Centre so why not join, come down and visit us or get in touch via email – administrator@londonwelsh.org

Community activities
As a charitable organisation we take seriously our responsibility to the local community in the London Borough of Camden. We provide our facilities to community groups at reduced rates or free of charge as well as offering a warm welcome to any in the local area who wants to get involved in any of the activities run at the Centre.

Our people
Our staff and volunteers are here to help so if you need to hire a room, want to become a supporter or are just curious about any of the activities that are going on at the Centre, call the office on – 020 7837 3722. Our friendly team will be happy to help.

The Bar
If you are passing by, drop in and head upstairs to our unique public bar. We serve a selection of Welsh products, including Brains Beer and Wrexham Lager. The Bar is open Tuesday to Friday 6pm-11pm but please check beforehand as the bar is sometimes closed for functions and special events. Call 020 7837 3722.