Dosbarthiadau Nos / Evening Classes

"To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world"

learn welsh

Are you interested in learning Welsh? It’s never too late to learn a language.

We have EIGHT wonderful levels for you to choose from, starting with beginners all the way through to advance for fluent Welsh speakers.

The classes are in a friendly atmosphere and are taught by experienced tutors.

Our classes are designed to allow each student to achieve their learning aims and maximise progress.

We have been teaching Welsh here at the Centre since 1946 and we are dedicated to delivering quality Welsh language classes with a high degree of individual attention to students. We look forward to welcoming you to the Centre on your journey to fluency.

Please contact our course leader Nicola if you have any queries regarding our Welsh language courses:

Enrolment / Cofrestru

The price of the classes are between £260 and £290 excluding the £60 Supporter fee for the year. This includes 1.5 hours of lessons per week, 45 hours of lessons per year over 3 terms.

This is a great way to further your Welsh and practice with our Welsh community.

If you wish to join the classes in-person, they will be held at the Centre each week.  For those wanting to continue their learning Online, please specify this in the form below.  We have a provision for both from September onwards.

We also invite all students to visit the Bar after class, and also on Thursdays, where they can meet with fellow students and our community residents group ‘Y Cylch Siarad’ (The Speaking Circle) to practise their Welsh skills.


If you’re unsure which level suits you best, we recommend that you take this short test:

Suitable for:

A fun and engaging introduction to the Welsh language and culture, aimed at beginners or those who have learnt a little bit of Welsh but want to start from scratch again.


Rhodri Morgan

Tuesday evening:

1st class starting - TBC


6:30pm - 8:00pm (In Person Only)

8:00pm – 9:30pm (Online Only)

Suitable for:

People who have studied Welsh for a year in recent classes or have a rusty second-language GCSE. You should be able to say what you enjoy doing e.g. ‘dw i’n hoffi mynd i’r sinema’ and say something about what you did at the weekend e.g. “es i i’r dafarn nos Sadwrn”.


Alys Elica Zaerin

Monday evening:

1st class starting - TBC


6:15pm - 7:45pm (In Person Only)

7:45pm – 9:15pm  HYBRID (In Person and Online simultaneously.)

Suitable for:

Lefel 3


Mae’r lefel hon yn addas i’r sawl sydd eisoes wedi cwblhau cyrsiau hyd at Lefel 2 yng Nghanolfan Cymry Llundain neu sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol hyd at Fynediad.


Mae'r lefel hon yn adeiladu ar Lefelau 1 a 2 ac yn dysgu holl batrymau sylfaenol y Gymraeg. Bydd y pwyslais pennaf ar siarad yr iaith, gyda chyfle i drafod materion bob dydd fel teulu a ffrindiau, gwaith a hamddena.


Byddwch yn defnyddio un o’r gwerslyfrau canlynol, sef “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 - Fersiwn 2 (De Cymru/South Wales)” neu “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 - Fersiwn 2 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” sydd ar gael YMA neu i’w prynu ar Sicrhewch fod ‘Fersiwn 2’ wedi’i nodi yn nheitl y llyfr.


This level is suitable for those who have already completed courses up to Level 2 at the London Welsh Centre or who have completed the National Centre for Learning Welsh courses up to Entry. 


This level builds on Levels 1 and 2 and teaches all the basic patterns of Welsh. The main emphasis will be on speaking the language, with a chance to discuss everyday matters such as family and friends, work and leisure.


You will use either of the following textbooks, "Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 - Fersiwn 2 (De Cymru/South Wales)" or “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 - Fersiwn 2 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” which are available HERE or to buy on Please ensure that ‘Fersiwn 2’ is noted in the book’s title.


Alys Elica Zaerin

Wednesday evenings:

1st class starting - TBC


7:45pm – 9:15pm(In Person and Online simultaneously.)

Suitable for:

Lefel 4


Mae’r lefel hon yn addas i’r sawl sydd eisoes wedi cwblhau cyrsiau hyd at Lefel 3 yng Nghanolfan Cymry Llundain neu sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol hyd at Sylfaen Rhan 1.


Mae'r lefel hon yn adeiladu ar Lefelau 1, 2  a 3 ac yn parhau i ddysgu holl batrymau sylfaenol y Gymraeg. Bydd y pwyslais pennaf ar siarad yr iaith, gyda chyfleoedd pellach i drafod materion bob dydd fel teulu a ffrindiau, gwaith a hamddena.


Byddwch yn defnyddio un o’r gwerslyfrau canlynol, sef “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 (De Cymru/South Wales)” neu “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” sydd ar gael YMA neu i’w prynu ar


This level is suitable for those who have already completed courses up to Level 3 at the London Welsh Centre or who have completed the National Centre for Learning Welsh courses up to Foundation Part 1.


This level builds on Levels 1, 2 and 3 and continues to teach all the basic patterns of Welsh. The main emphasis will be on speaking the language, with further chances to discuss everyday matters such as family and friends, work and leisure.


You will use either of the following textbooks, "Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 (De Cymru/South Wales)" or “Dysgu Cymraeg: Sylfaen/Foundation A2 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” which are available HERE or to buy on


Alys Elica Zaerin

Wednesday evenings:

1st class starting - TBC


6:15pm – 7:45pm (In Person and Online simultaneously.)

Suitable for:

Lefel 5


Mae’r lefel hon yn addas i’r sawl sydd eisoes wedi cwblhau cyrsiau hyd at Lefel 4 yng Nghanolfan Cymry Llundain neu sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol hyd at Ganolradd Rhan 1.


Mae’r lefel hon yn addas i bobl sy'n gyfarwydd gyda phrif batrymau'r Gymraeg. Bydd cyfle i ddatblybu sgiliau sgwrsio, gydag ychydig fwy o waith ysgrifennu, darllen a gwrando.


Byddwch yn defnyddio un o’r gwerslyfrau canlynol, sef “Dysgu Cymraeg: Canolradd B1 (De Cymru/South Wales)” neu “Dysgu Cymraeg Canolradd B1 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” sydd ar gael YMA neu i’w prynu ar


This level is suitable for those who have already completed courses up to Level 4 at the London Welsh Centre or who have completed the National Centre for Learning Welsh courses up to Intermediate Part 1.


This level is suitable for people familiar with the main patterns of Welsh. There will be an opportunity to dabble in conversation skills, with a little more writing, reading and listening.


You will use either of the following textbooks, “Dysgu Cymraeg: Canolradd B1 (De Cymru/South Wales)” or “Dysgu Cymraeg Canolradd B1 (Gogledd Cymru/North Wales)” which are available HERE or to buy on


Laura Jenkins

Monday evening:

1st class starting 16th September.


7:45pm-9:15pm (In Person and Online simultaneously.)

Suitable for:

Lefel 6

Canolradd 2 - TBC

New Classes: This year, we are introducing two new levels – Canolradd 2 and Uwch 1. Initially, these classes will be offered online only. However, students will have opportunities to attend in-person sessions, with dates to be coordinated with the tutor.



Laura Jenkins

Tuesday evening:

1st class starting - 17th September.


6:00pm-7:30pm (Online Only Class)

Suitable for:

Lefel 7

Uwch 1 - TBC

New Classes: This year, we are introducing two new levels – Canolradd 2 and Uwch 1. Initially, these classes will be offered online only. However, students will have opportunities to attend in-person sessions, with dates to be coordinated with the tutor.



Laura Jenkins

Tuesday evening:

1st class starting - 17th September.


7:30pm-9:00pm (Online Only Class)

Suitable for:

Lefel 8


Mae’r lefel hon yn addas i’r sawl sydd eisoes wedi cwblhau cyrsiau hyd at Lefel 7 yng Nghanolfan Cymry Llundain neu sydd wedi cwblhau cyrsiau’r Ganolfan Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol hyd at Uwch 3 Rhan 1.


Bydd cyfle i ymarfer trafod pynciau a themâu o bob math ar y lefel hon. Y prif nod yw creu siaradwyr hyderus ond byddwch hefyd yn datblygu eich sgiliau darllen, ysgrifennu a gwrando.


Byddwch yn defnyddio’r gwerslyfr canlynol, sef “Dysgu Cymraeg: Uwch 3 (B2)” sydd ar gael YMA neu i’w brynu ar


This level is suitable for those who have already completed courses up to Level 7 at the London Welsh Centre or who have completed the National Centre for Learning Welsh courses up to Uwch 3 Part 1.


There will be an opportunity to practice discussing topics and themes of all kinds at this level. The main aim is to create confident speakers but you will also develop your reading, writing and listening skills.


You will use the following textbook, "Dysgu Cymraeg: Uwch 3 (B2) Fersiwn 2" which is available HERE or to buy on


Laura Jenkins

Monday evening:

1st class starting 16th September.


6:15pm-7:45pm (In Person Only Class)


Please note that the hour and a half of learning each week can include live learning and on-demand resources such as ‘blended learning’.

The price of the classes are between £260 and £290 excluding the £60 Supporter fee for the year. This includes 1.5 hours of lessons per week, 45 hours of lessons per year over 3 terms.

*Please note that you must be a ‘Curiad’ supporter of the London Welsh Centre to join our Welsh classes. This subscription entitles you to discounted rates for selected events, a regular magazine and certain discounts to other Centre related activities (subject to terms and conditions).

To us, learning Welsh isn’t just about sitting in a classroom. We encourage our Welsh students to socialise and practice their Welsh with each other and other Welsh speakers at the Centre. Gobeithio y gwelwn ni chi mewn dosbarth nos ym mis Medi!

Please note that class times and dates can be subject to change, sometimes at short notice. Your tutors will liaise with you directly to let you know of any changes. 

Any classes falling on a Bank Holiday will be re-arranged by your tutor.

All fees (Welsh classes and London Welsh Centre subscriptions) are usually payable in advance, If you have any issues with payments for the courses, please contact for payment plan options.

Welsh Classes and Supproters fee  are non-refundable.

learn welsh

Are you interested
in learning Welsh?
It’s never too late
to learn a language.