Association with resident groups

The London Welsh Centre is proud of our association with a number of resident groups. Currently our resident groups are:
The London Welsh Chorale
The choirs has rehearsed and performed around the globe since 1983. Mixed choir, rehearsals every Tuesday evening.
Gwalia Male Voice Choir
With more than 50 years experience, the male voice choir rehearse on Wednesday evenings and is formed of men of all ages and backgrounds.
London Welsh Male Voice Choir
The choir was formed in 1902 and quickly gained a reputation for excellence. Thursday rehearsals, and over one hundred members.
London Welsh Rugby Club Choir
Mostly based in the rugby club, the choir hold monthly rehearsals at the Centre on a Sunday.
Merched y Wawr
A group for ladies to socialize through the medium of Welsh. Learners very welcome.
If you would like to get in touch with any of our resident groups, please do so directly via the contacts on their websites.
Find out about other groups who meet regularly at the London Welsh Centre here.